The tenth feat of Hercules was the conquest of the Herd of Geryon. The Great Solar Hero killed its owner, who confronted him, after his guards, the dogs Orthos and Eurytion.
This unusual happening was staged beyond the ocean, on the island of Eritia (The Red). This appears to refer to an island in the Atlantic Ocean, which was inhabited by giant beings, clearly personified by the three-headed Geryon himself, whom Hercules killed with his lethal arrows after he had killed his shepherd and his dog with his mace.
Comparative mythology likens the two-headed dog Orthos, brother of Cerberus, with Vritra, the Vedic Spirit of the storm.
During his journey Hercules goes from Europe to Africa, to go across the ocean in the Golden Goblet (in the Sacred Vessel), wisely using it on his nocturnal journey…
This clearly means that the brilliant Sun had to wait for him while he returned, stopping in its solstice to the advantage of the Hero…
Undoubtedly, the Man-God passed with the herd acquired in the Vessel – or Holy Grail – itself, to then return via the old continent of Europe, in a journey full of endless adventures…
The legend of the centuries tells us that the Solar Hero then raised the Columns ‘J’ and ‘B’ of Occult Masonry over the Strait of Gibraltar, probably as thanks to the Dioscuri who helped him to emerge victorious in this task…
When he returned to Mycenae, the cows were sacrificed to Juno by her brother Eurystheus to placate her anger.
Needless to say, these Archaic Mysteries were always celebrated in august majestic Temples…
When I crossed the threshold of that Mu or Lemurian Temple, where in other times I was instructed in the Mysteries of the Ascension of the Lord, with infinite humility I asked the Hierophant for a few services; and he conceded them to me….
It is unquestionable – and this is known to every Initiate – that every exaltation is always preceded by a frightful and terrible humiliation…
We have clearly asserted in an emphatic way that every ascent is preceded by a descent…
The Tenth Feat of Hercules, the Solar Hero of esotericism, takes place in the infernal worlds of the planet Pluto…
Painful feelings tore my Soul apart when I saw myself subjected to the torture of detachment…
Those ladies of august times, bound to me by the law of Karma, were waiting for me in Avernus with broken hearts…
All those tempting beauties, dangerously gorgeous, felt they had a perfect right over me…
For better or for worse, these terribly charming females had been my wives in previous reincarnations, as a natural consequence of the great rebellion and the angelic fall…
The dogs Orthos and Eurytion, living symbols of animal passion, harshly besieged me with unprecedented force; the temptations were multiplied ad infinitum….
However, thanks to Thelema (Will) and deep understanding, and with the help of my Divine Mother Kundalini, I defeated the Lord of Time, the three-headed Geryon…
There is no doubt that I took charge of the herd and became an authentic Shepherd, not of cattle as is implied in a veiled manner, but of sheep…
For the good of the Great Cause it is fitting that we now study some verses from Chapter 10 of St John’s Gospel:
‘Jesus said, “In truth I tell you, in very truth, whoever does not enter the sheepfold by the door (the Sex), but climbs in some other way (preaching different doctrines that have nothing to do with the White Sexual Magic), is nothing but a thief and a robber (he steals the sheep and takes them to the abyss).”‘
(We were cast out of Eden by the Door of Sex: it is only by this door that we can go back to Eden. Eden is Sex itself.)
‘”Whoever enters via the door (the Sex) is the Shepherd in charge of the sheep. The doorkeeper admits him, and the sheep hear his voice; he calls his own sheep by name (with the intimate Logos), and he leads them out (he takes them by the Path of the Razor’s Edge). When he has brought them all out, he goes ahead, and the sheep follow, because they know his voice (his Logos). They will not follow a stranger; they will run away from him because they do not recognise the voice of strangers (the false shepherds do not have the Logos).”‘
‘Jesus (whose meaning is Saviour) gave them this parable, but they did not understand what he was talking about (it is evident that behind the letter that kills is the Spirit that brings to life).
‘Jesus (the Intimate Saviour) told them again:
‘”In truth, in very truth, I tell you: I am the door of the sheepfold (the power is not in the brain or in any other part of the body, but in the Sex).”‘
(In other words, we assert the following: the creative power of the Logos can be found exclusively in the Sex. It is easy to understand now why He is the door to the sheepfold: to find other ways to escape is equivalent to running away from the Door to Eden…).
‘”The sheep paid no heed to any who came before me, for these were all thieves and robbers (because they had not been initiated in the sexual mysteries).”
“I am the door; whoever comes into the fold through me will be saved (they will not fall into the abyss of perdition); they will come in and out and find pasturage. (rich spiritual nourishment)”.’
Christ could not do anything without the Sexual Serpent: it is because of this that the Second Logos, the Lord of Perfection, the Intimate Logos of each one, descends from his elevated sphere and becomes in himself the Son of the Divine Mother Kundalini, the Igneous Serpent of our magic powers… (by deed and grace of the Third Logos).
The Sethians adored the Great Light and said that the Sun shapes a nest in us with its emanations, and that it constitutes the Serpent.
It is clear that that Gnostic sect had as a sacred object a chalice, a yoni, the Holy Grail, in which they took the semen of Benjamin. This in itself was a mixture of Water and Wine…
The sacred symbol of the Sexual Serpent was undoubtedly always present on the altar of the Nazarene Gnostics…
The strength, the power that accompanied Moses was the Serpent on the Staff that later became the Staff itself.
The Serpent was certainly the one that spoke to the other serpents and tempted Eve…
In the Canto of Homer to Demeter, found in a Russian library, it can be seen that everything revolved around a physiological-cosmic fact of great transcendence:
‘I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd (one who has reached this esoteric Christic grade) gives his life for his sheep’.
‘But the wage-earner (the tantric esotericist who has not yet achieved Christification) and who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep and runs away, and the wolf snatches them away, and the sheep are scattered’.
‘I also have other sheep that are not from this sheepfold (who are part of other schools), Those too I must bring here; and they will hear my voice and there will be one flock and one Shepherd”.
‘This is why my Father loves me, because I give my life, to take it back again (the Intimate Christ crystallises in us and redeems us when we are worthy)’.
‘No one will take it away from me, but I give it myself (as if saying: I crystallise in my human person when I so wish). I had the power to give it, and I have the power to take it back. This commandment I received from my Father.’
After this Christic esoteric comment, it is indispensable that we continue with the present chapter…
What simple, what unfalsifiable primitive beauty have those Platonic stories that deal with archaic gods and goddesses, divine beings from the Lemurian past, authentic tantric shepherds of the Sexual Eden!…
Sublime beings who built cyclopean cities, educated people, giving them a legislation never surpassed, and rewarded their heroism’s.
It is urgent that we fulfil in ourselves, the Hyperborean Mystery, the Mystery of the Grail, if we yearn to become authentic prophets, genuine Christified shepherds…
We need ‘to cross the Red Sea’, the stormy ocean of life, and reach the other side in the Golden Vase, the Sacred Goblet that Helios, the Sacred Absolute Sun, lends to us…
When I finished my esoteric tasks in the Hells of the planet Pluto, I had to build Columns…
Plus Ultra, Adam-Kadmon, Celestial Man: such are the mystical significance’s that have been attributed to the two Columns of Hercules…
That cosmic-human event was preceded by the disincarnation of my priestess wife Litelantes…
There is no doubt that she herself was the only karmic link left for me in this painful vale of Samsara…
I saw her go away in her discarded Lemurian vehicle, dressed in the deepest mourning…
Adam-Eve is indubitably the most secret meaning of the two columns of Hercules…
Reconciliation with the divine is urgent, pressing. You know that…
To build Columns is reconciliation, the return of the original couple, going back to Eden…
We need to return to the original point of departure, to return to the first love; this is indisputable and unquestionable…
In the Archaic Mysteries of the continent of Mu or Lemuria, I had to live the raw reality of this in paradisian, Edenic weddings…
Then a great Initiate was given to me as wife. I am emphatically referring to my other half, to my personal, original Eve. Thus I built the two Columns of Hercules…
I was at the table of the banquet, accompanied, happy, by my new wife and many high priests…
Litelantes then crossed the threshold of the regal hall, she came disembodied to watch the celebration…
Thus…, oh, gods! I re-established the Second Logos, the Cosmic Christ, in the Sanctuary of my Soul…
Samael Aun Weor