In a tremendously growing surprise due to the marvelous narrative of Kundry, the original she-devil, Parsifal sinks down at the beauty’s feet, struck with awe and overwhelmed by the most intense distress.
Kundry states:
“Had you felt such grief, then consolation’s sweet relief within your heart you did not know; let sorrow that you feel, let torment yield to the joy that love can reveal…!”
“Acknowledge your ignorance and then it is ended; by knowledge your folly soon is mended. Of love now learn the rapture that Gamuret once learned, when Herzeleide’s passion within him fiercely burned! For love that gave you life and being, must death and folly both remove, love sends you now a mother’s blessings greet a son with love’s first passionate kiss!”
While delectably speaking with her so touching language, Kundry, the most superb beauty, has bent her enchanting head completely over the head of Parsifal, and now presses her accursed purple lips to his mouth in a long and ardent kiss…
Nevertheless, there is a time for everything. The igneous contact of such a frightful sexual passion initiates a gesture of intense terror in the hero of this Wagnerian drama..

As though to subdue a rending pain in is heart, he cries out with all of the strength of his soul:
“Amfortas! The Spear-wound! The Spear-wound..!”
“It burns here in my heart! Oh! Torment! Torment! Fear-fullest torment! The cry of anguish pierces my soul. Oh! Oh! Keen anguish! Piteous sufferer! The wound that I saw bleeding is now bleeding in me! Here, here..!”
“No! No! Not the Spear-wound is it, still freely the blood may stream from my side! It is here! Here, a flame in my body!”
“It is the yearning, the wild fearful yearning that fills my senses and holds them fast with fire! Oh! Pain of loving…
“The whole of my being throbs, blazes and shakes in sinful guilty yearning!”
The best comes afterwards: The hero evokes the remembrance of the sacred Cup and the divine blood shed by the sin. Thus, heroically, he rejects Kundry, the Wagnerian Magdalene who dreadfully wallows, lying on her flowery couch, agitated by the most tremendous lust…
In vain, Kundry then appeals to all the enchantments, deceptions and artifices suggested by her cunning. The hero escapes away from her…
The exasperated and defeated sinful woman, without giving up what she thought was an easy prey, calls in her aide, the Magician, who appears on the rampart holding the Lance of the Lord…
He hurls the Spear against Parsifal with the intention of wounding him, as he did with Amfortas. Yet, since the hero is pure, he becomes invulnerable. Thus, the Spear remains hanging over Parsifal’s head, who then seizes the Spear, and in an ecstatic gesture swings it in the sign of the Cross…
Under such a kind of conjuration, the tenebrous castle of Klingsor falls into the horrible precipice, converted into cosmic dust…
The garden of delights withers to a simple penitent’s desert and the ground is scattered with faded women- flowers, which whirl on the ground, swept away by dreaded hurricanes…
Terrible moment is that one in which Kundry, the malignant beauty, sinks down with a cry, as if she was fatally wounded…
Parsifal pauses victoriously, withdraws and disappears…
Samael Aun Weor
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