Death is unquestionably something deeply significant. It is an urgent task to investigate this subject thoroughly, to extend its study sincerely and completely, with infinite patience and at every level of the mind.

As a consequence or profound corollary, we can—and even must—affirm solemnly the following postulate:

“Only by completely bringing to light the mysteries of death, we can discover the origin of life”.

If the seed does not die, the plant is not born. Death and conception find themselves intimately associated.

While exhaling the last breath of our existence, we project inevitably, across time and space, the electrical design of our own existence…

Ostensibly, such an electro-psychical design comes later on to impregnate the fertilised egg; thus we return.

“The footprints of the hooves of the horse of death form the path of life”.

The last moments of the dying person are found to be secretly linked to the amorous delectations of our future earthly parents.

The destiny that waits for us beyond death, will be a repetition of our present life, plus its consequences.

What continues beyond the grave, are my affections, my tenderness, my hates: I want, I do not want, I envy, I wish, I come back, I kill, I lust, I am angry, I covet, etc., etc., etc.

The whole of that legion of egos, a true legion of demons personifying psychological defects, returns, comes back, rejoins.

It would be absurd for me to talk about an individual Ego; it is better to talk clearly about a pluralized ego.

Orthodox esoteric Buddhism teaches that the Ego is a sum of psychical aggregates. The Egyptian book “The Occult Abode” mentions with great emphasis the Red Demons of Seth (the devil egos that constitute the Ego).

Those fighting, noisy egos constitute the dark legions, against which Arjuna had to fight following orders coming directly from the blessed Lord Krishna (see “The Bhagavad Gita”).

The personality does not return, is a daughter of its time, has a beginning and an end. The only thing that continues with certainty is an assortment of devils.

We can reach immortality in the astral world. However this is only possible by fabricating the eidolon (astral body).

Diverse authors of a pseudo esotericist and pseudo occultist type make the mistake of confusing the Ego with the astral body.

The modern metaphysical literature says much about the projections of the astral body; however, we must have the courage to acknowledge the fact that those fond of occultism sometimes break down into the Ego to travel in the sublunary regions of Nature across time and space.

The astral body is not an indispensable implement for existence. It is not too much to remember that the physical body has fortunately a vital core or Lingam Sarira that guarantees its existence completely.

Unquestionably the astral body is a luxury that few people can afford. Rare are the individuals who are born with this splendid vehicle.

The “raw material for the Great Work”, the alchemical element by means  of which we can fabricate the astral body, is Sexual Hydrogen Si-12.

Obviously this Hydrogen represents the final product of the transformation of the food inside the marvellous laboratory of the organism.

It is evident that this is the most important material with which the sex works. The preparation of this substance is carried in rhythmic consonance with the seven notes of the musical scale.

It is not too much to understand that the ens seminis, and its peculiar Hydrogen Si- 12, is seed and fruit at the same time.

To transmute this marvellous Hydrogen so as to give it intelligent crystallisation in a superior octave, means, in fact, to create a new life inside the existing organism, to give evident form to the sidereal or astral body of the alchemists and kabbalist.

You must understand that the astral body is born of the same material, the same substance of which the physical body is born; the only thing that is different is the procedure.

The whole of the physical body, all its cells, remain, so to say, impregnated by the emanations of the matter that is Si-12. And when these have sufficiently saturated, the matter Si-12 starts to crystallise.

The crystallisation of this matter constitutes the formation of the astral body.

The transition of the matter Si-12 to a condition of emanations and the gradual saturation of the whole organism with these emanations, is what is known in Alchemy as transmutation or transformation.

This transformation of the physical body into the astral body is exactly what Alchemy calls the transformation of the base metals into fine ones, that is, the procuration of gold from the ordinary metals.

The esoteric procedure can be found in the Sex-Yoga, in the Maithuna, in the Sexual Magic: connection of the lingam-yoni, phallus-uterus without ejaculation of the ens seminis.

The restrained desire will give rise to marvellous processes of crystallisation of the Hydrogen Si-12 in a superior octave.

Nourishment is different. Unquestionably the astral body needs its nourishment and nutrition, this is obvious.

Since the physical body is wisely controlled by forty eight laws, a fact that has been scientifically proved by the number of the (forty eight) chromosomes in the germinal cell, it is a clear and manifest consequence that the principal Hydrogen of the cellular body is Hydrogen 48 (forty eight).

It is relatively easy to save this specific type of Hydrogen when we follow the path of the straight line.

The excess Hydrogen 48 (forty-eight) not spent in the physical activities of the three-dimensional Euclidean world is marvellously converted into Hydrogen 24 (twenty-four).

Ostensibly this Hydrogen 24 (twenty-four) always becomes the extraordinary nourishment of the astral body.

It is urgent to affirm with great emphasis that the sidereal or astral body of the alchemists and kabbalist develops and unwinds marvellously under the absolute control of the twenty-four laws.

Every organ is known clearly by its functions, and one knows that one has an astral body when one is able to travel with it (see Chapter 6 of this same treatise).

My particular case was certainly extraordinary. I must specifically affirm that I was born with an astral body.

I had built it in a magnificent way before being born, during the ancient ages of a bygone mahamvantara, long before the dawn of the lunar chain.

It was for me of the foremost importance to restore the igneous powers to this sidereal or astral body. Thus I understood the situation before asking the Solar Logos for admission to the Third Initiation of Fire.

It is not too much to tell my beloved readers, that the Great Being, after granting me what I had asked, arranged for special providence to help me.

From this you can conclude that I was granted a certain specialist to help me in the Third Degree of the Power of Fire.

That Guru-Deva fulfilled his mission directing the Third Serpent of Fire by the medullary canal in the astral body.

Litelantes and my insignificant, worthless person perceived with the sixth sense the astral specialist that helped us during the metaphysical copulation.

The awakening of the Fire in the astral body is always announced by a terrible lightning in the night.

Initially the Third Power of Fire in such a precious vehicle has an immaculate, beautiful white colour. Later on it evolves, shining in the aura of the Universe with a beautiful golden colour.

I confess frankly and in plain language that during the esoteric work with the Third Degree of the Power of Fire I had to live the Cosmic Drama in symbolic form.

One, who is no more than a vile worm that crawls around in the mud of the earth, feels really touched when, suddenly and undeservedly, he sees himself converted into the central character of such a Drama, even if this is done in a merely symbolic way.

A difference with the two previous serpents is that the Third Degree of the Power of Fire, after touching the atom of the Father in the magnetic field of the root of the nose, continues its march towards the heart.

Between the magnetic field of the root of the nose and the heart there exist secret pathways, nadis or marvellous channels.

A certain secret path connects the root of the nose with the capital chakra, which controls the heart from the centre of the brain. The Fire circulates by that path. Later on it continues its march towards the heart itself, circulating mysteriously by the Anahata Nadi.

To live the whole Drama of Christ in the astral world is doubtless something that cannot ever be forgotten.

As the Third Degree of the Power of Fire develops and evolves harmoniously in the astral body, the various events of the Christic Drama open up.

When the Sacred Fire arrives to the marvellous harbour of a quiet heart, we experience then that symbolism related intimately to the Death and Resurrection of Christ.

It is a terrible moment, that instant in which the symbolic Longinus pierces the side of the Initiate with the Sacred Lance, the extraordinary emblem of the phallic force.

Parsifal cured with such a Shaft the terrible wound that burned painfully on the side of the king Amfortas.

When I was secretly approved for certain sidereal power, the sinister Adepts of the Left Hand attacked me filled with great hate.

Among the mysteries of the great cathedrals the Holy Sepulchre is never absent, and it is evident that mine could never be missing in the Initiation.

At the moment when I am writing these lines, I recall the initiatory moment of Ginés de Lara.

At that esoteric moment of the notable Initiate there was effectively no maiden of “grand ancestry”, daughter of the founder of the monastery, to accompany him, and the only “good man” was the actual Master guide. He led him to the Sancta Sanctorum or Adytia of that temple, where the neophyte found, in the centre of a very rich room fashioned in marble, a sumptuous sepulchre hermetically closed, whose heavy lid Ginés, following the instructions of the Master, lifted up easily with his hands. He found inside, to his great surprise, his own physical body.

Unlike Ginés de Lara, I saw my own astral body in the sepulchre. I then understood that I had to go through an esoteric Resurrection.

Unquestionably the Great Master Mason Hiram Abif must be resurrected in us.

“The King is dead. Long live the King”.

A realistic, hard, legitimate, authentic Resurrection is only possible in the Second Mountain. In these paragraphs we are definitely referring only to the symbolic initiatory Resurrection.

I had to stay astrally inside the Holy Sepulchre for a period of three days before the above mentioned symbolic Resurrection.

The descent to the dark abode of Pluto was indispensable after this symbolic process of Resurrection had taken place.

I had to begin some gloomy recapitulations up inside the deepest bowels of the Earth, where the Florentine Dante found the city of Dite.

The progressive ascension slowly took place through the various strata of the submerged mineral kingdom…

Scenic, vivid, progressive, ascendant recapitulation was indispensable for the total knowledge of the Oneself, of the Myself.

To recapitulate ancient abysmal errors is sometimes useful when one tries to dissolve the Ego.

To know our own psychological errors is certainly urgent, imperative.

“I am a Saint!” I said in front of a group of elegant ladies that, sombre, took a seat in a sumptuous abysmal salon…

Those women laughed, willingly mocking me at the same time that they repeated ironically, making a provocative grimace: “Saint! Saint!, Saint!…”.

These unhappy creatures were right. At that time I had not yet dissolved my Ego, I was a fallen boddhisattwa…

It is written in burning coal in the Book of all Splendours that in the Abode of Pluto the truth is disguised as shadows. “Demonius est Deus inversus”, wrote H.P.B.

Symbolic, initiatory, instructive Ascension, different however from the Logoic Ascension of the Third Mountain.

Nineteen days after initiating the ascending abysmal march, the Adepts of the Occult Brotherhood eliminated from my lower abdomen a certain atomic layer or substance similar to the skin of the human organism.

Inside the microcosmic man, such an atomic layer is like a great door that gives access to the lower abysmal depths…

While this atomic element exists in the individuals, the Essence will remain self- enclosed within the Ego.

When that atomic door is taken from the astral counterpart of the abdomen, the Adepts must heal such abdominal zone.

When the Third Degree of the Power of Fire manages to get out by the superior part of the cranium, it assumes the mystical figure of the Holy Ghost, a white dove with the head of a venerable old man.

Immaculate divine creature perched above the tower of the temple in mystical ambush, happily waiting the supreme instant of the Initiation…

Remembering ancient errors committed in prior incarnations, at the thirty-three days I had to go through an unusual, unwonted event.

Three of the four fundamental states of Consciousness had to be subjected to the proof of fire…

It is urgent to define the four states of the Consciousness for the benefit of our beloved readers:

A) Eikasia.

B) Pistis.

C) Dianoia.

D) Nous.

The first of these four states is deep unconsciousness, active barbarism, infrahuman dreams, cruelty, etc., etc., etc.

The second of such states corresponds exactly to all reasoning process: opinions, fanatic sectarianism, etc., etc., etc.

The third manifests itself as conceptual synthetism, scientism, intellectual revision of beliefs, induction, deduction of a reflexive type, very serious studies concerning phenomena and laws, etc., etc. etc.

The fourth is awakened consciousness, state of Turiya, really objective, illuminated, perfect clairvoyance, polyvision, etc., etc., etc.

I emerged victorious from this difficult test. Unquestionably, in the Path of the Razor’s Edge we must be tested many times.

The hermetic symbolism of this esoteric test was very interesting: three very serene maidens surrounded by fire. Victory! Was the result.

Today I find myself firmly established in the Dianoetic and Noetic states. It is not superfluous to assert that Eikasia and Pistis were eliminated from my nature through the terrible trial by ordeal of the Initiation.

Thirty seven days after having started these abysmal revisions I had to study directly the twelve zodiac constellations, under whose regency we constantly evolve and involute.

Each of the twelve zodiac constellations shines with its own peculiar hue.

The astral light of the constellation of Leo has a beautiful golden colour and one feels inspired looking at it.

Four angels, who play their trumpets facing the four cardinal points of the planet earth, always announce the end of the processes associated with the Ascension.

I was given inside the Temple the white dove of the Holy Ghost, as if saying, “Work intensely in the Ninth Sphere if you want to incarnate in yourself the Third Logos”.

All these symbolic processes of the Ascension were finished after forty days.

The final ceremony took place in the causal world. What I then felt and saw was certainly extraordinary.

The Great Initiator was Sanat Kumara, the founder of the Great School of Initiates of the Venerable White Lodge.

In the Altar, with the cane of seven knots in his potent right hand, that Great Being shone, terrifyingly divine.

Samael Aun Weor

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