In the purest ortho of the Divine Language, that like a river of gold runs under the thick jungle of the Sun, the Gnostic Centers receive the sacred name of LUMISIALS.
It is therefore to know for the good of the Great Cause for which we are striving, that every Gnostic LUMISIAL must be organized with three Chambers:
In common and current terms and to simplify a little we will say:
Any person of good will may enter the First Chamber, without difference of Race, Sex, Class, Caste, Creed or Color.
Only people who have shown genuine love for the Great Cause may enter the Second Chamber.
People who have been constant in attendance for three consecutive months; really defined people.
No one could enter the Third Chamber, before having completed three years of uninterrupted assistance to the Second Chamber.
In the First Chamber, the KINDER works of Gnosis are especially studied, such as “Beyond Death”, “Looking at the Mystery”, etc., etc., etc.
In the Second Chamber our secondary works are studied: «Perfect Matrimony», «Revolution of Bel», «Occult Medicine», etc., etc., etc.
In the third Chamber meditation, vocalization, Astral unfolding, etc. are practiced.
Third Chamber books are the Christmas Messages of each year; It is urgent to study and comment on them thoroughly, etc.
In the First Chamber the Gnostic Priest will not wear a robe; he will appear before the public simply arranged and clean. That is all.
In the Second Chamber, the Gnostic Priest and the Congregation will wear the uniform of the Gnostic Movement; the blue tunic with white drawstring at the waist and black sandals.
Unquestionably, the Gnostic Movement truly possesses a rich Liturgy for the Second Chamber.
In the name of Truth we must confess frankly and unequivocally that the PRATIMOKCHA or Release Ceremony is exclusive to the Third Chamber; It is absolutely forbidden to practice such liturgy in the First or Second Chamber.
Considering the state in which humanity is found, we have arranged in the name of the Great Cause, that the public confession of this or that error, be made exclusively mental.
Unquestionably the result is the same; the Word silenced in the physical World resonates splendidly in the superior worlds.
The objective of such a Ceremony is to eliminate Psychic aggregates, (I’s) errors. This is possible with the help of “DEVI KUNDALINI” (our Divine Mother).
The devotee who must mentally confess this or that crime must first have truly sincerely repented.
Made the mental Confession, all the Brothers put on their knees, sitting on their heels, each one will beg their Divine Mother KUNDALINI, eliminate from the penitent the Psychic Aggregate who personifies the confessed error.
The Brothers must open their arms in a cross, bowing during the supplication, forward and backward alternately.
This is how we can help each other in the work of dissolving the EGO, the SELF, the I’s.
The Third Chamber meeting begins making a chain to radiate love for humanity by pronouncing the ritual words:
“May all beings be happy, may all beings be joyful, may all beings be in peace.” Then give form, pronounce to the Mantram “SAL, TUL, UL”. (These Magic words are exclusive to Third Chamber).
Each practice of THIRD CHAMBER Meditation must be at least One Hour.
Samael Aun Weor – Gran Manifiesto Gnóstico 1972
Every ritual is related to blood and semen. The ritual is a two-edged sword. It defends and gives life to the pure and virtuous. For the tenebrous and impure, it hurts and destroys. The ritual is more powerful than dynamite and knife.
Nuclear forces are handled in the ritual. Atomic energy is a gift from God. The same can heal as it can kill. Every temple within which the Gnostic Holy Anointing is celebrated is, in fact, and for that reason, an atomic energy plant.
In Atlantis the necromancers also used similar rituals, combined with sexual forces. The result of those abuses was the collapse of that continent that reached a very high degree of civilization.
Samael Aun Weor
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