The Three Kinds of Phenomena

There are three kinds of phenomena:

  • 1: Physical phenomena.
  • 2: Biological phenomena.
  • 3: Psychic phenomena.

We are going to study the three classes of phenomena in synthesis and separately.


We know the physical phenomena by means of our senses of external perception, we expand the capacity of external perception with devices such as the microscope, telescope, etc.

Physics officially admits physical phenomena that have not been duly demonstrated, neither by observation nor by experience.

Example: the absolute zero in temperature. Many physical phenomena are not directly perceived and really are mere projections of which other phenomena are the origin, or of supposed origins of our sensations.

absolute zero?

Every physical phenomenon that indicates change is realizable through the natural law of selection, which reduces quantity to quality within the concepts of time, space and movement.

The degree of temperature of the water to ascend or descend in a progressive and orderly form, the determining cause is the degree of molecular cohesion.

Really the degree of molecular cohesion is the cause of ice or of vapor.

The current ignites the platinum wire of the electric lamp and for this only a minimum of energy is needed, all metal has its thermal degree of melting, and all liquid within a certain pressure, its fixed point of freezing and boiling; But in this there is no such thing as chance, because the cosmic intelligence does everything according to the laws of number, measure and weight.

The law of selection is basic in chemistry, physics, etc., if this wonderful law were excluded in any change, any man of science trying to make oxygen would combine three atoms of that chemical substance instead of two to form the molecule, and instead of making oxygen he would unconsciously make ozone. The scientist comes in this case to occupy the position of the cosmic intelligence. The man of science could not manufacture oxygen omitting the law of nature’s selection.

Physical phenomena are incessantly transformed one into another. Heat is transformed into light, pressure into movement, etc.

We can produce physical phenomena; we use the synthetic method to produce in the laboratory any chemical combination, we can say how much coal is needed to melt a mountain of ice, but we can not say how much fuel is needed to produce the vital energy with which a living cell gives origin to another living cell.

Science cannot create the living protoplasm. Science cannot create life. Scientists only work with the creations of nature, and sometimes they even imitate her, but never equal her.

The material of the transplant has not been created by the scientist, and the zoosperms of artificial insemination have not been created by scientists either.

The materialistic dream of creating a Frankenstein has only served to distract the idle mind of scientific filmmakers.

Russian women can be inseminated with the semen of gorillas, chimpanzees, etc., but a living zoosperm capable of fertilizing cannot be manufactured.

Scientists will be able to create life the day they possess the Being because only The Being can do. Today, scientists are just machines controlled by the pluralized ‘I’ . The tri-brained bipeds are victims of all circumstances . They can do nothing, everything happens to them, but they have the illusion that they do when in reality everything happens through them.


One of the most interesting phenomena of life is the reproduction of the species. The reproductive capacity of organs and organisms is amazing, the indivisibility of separate parts is marvelous, and the process of adaptability is wonderful.

The Akasha is the causa causarum of the ether, without the Akasha the existence of all life would be impossible. Actually Akasha is the primordial substance of the universe, without this substance nature would not exist.

It is absurd to talk about biology excluding the Akasha. It is absurd to talk about the environment excluding the Akasha, it is stupid to talk about the phenomena of nature excluding the Akasha.

Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemical action, biological processes of organisms, etc., they can never be wholly understood with the exclusion of the Akasha.

Current scientists deny the existence of ether and say that only magnetic fields exist, we can also deny the sun and say that only radiations exist, and we can say that the earth does not move – but it moves, it moves!

Within every organism there is mutual feeding, or exchange of biochemical substances, this is known to those who have studied biology.

Some glands give saliva and others dry it, some glands are male, others are female, an incessant exchange of substances is carried out in our entire organism.

Two fundamental laws of Akashic type, originate the exchange of substances or reciprocal feeding. The absolute exclusion of these two laws means chaos, non-existence.

The Akasha is the foundation of biology. The Akasha is the foundation of nature.

Karl Marx did not know about Akasha; Marx, like a donkey, he only believes in the pasture because he sees it.


There are thousands of psychic phenomena duly proven through many years of observation and experience.

Psychic phenomena cannot exist without the Akashic element.

Every new world that is born, every new cosmic unit, is only a crystallization of the Akashic element.

When Akasha crystallizes cosmically, then from unitary it becomes triune.

When the cosmic crystallization disintegrates, then the Akasha becomes unitary, integral, total, but enriched with the self-conscious fruits achieved during the cosmic manifestation.

Science needs a super suction pump to achieve absolute vacuum in a hermetically sealed chamber; it can make experiments with Akasha only with an absolute vacuum.

The pump of complex construction for the reduction of the atmosphere to the point of absolute vacuum has not yet been invented, and already the fanatics of the materialist dialectic dare to deny the psychic phenomena; really ignorance is bold.

If in a chamber with absolute vacuum we separate the three parts of the Akasha, we can be sure that these three parts will have an impulse to merge back into a single whole, this impulse possesses an electric force of three million forty thousand volts.

The three parts of the Akasha are related to the three brains of the human biped.

The first brain is located in the head. The second brain is concentrated in the spinal cord. The third brain is not located in a common mass; it is located in different parts of the body in accordance with what is named “specific functions”, and each of these parts is located in a different place of the body.

All the nervous knots and especially the solar plexus work in intimate association constituting what we call the third brain.

The three parts of Akasha constitute in themselves the triune Being of man.

The three-brained bipeds do not have the three parts concentrated in their organism. Only some radiations of the first part penetrate totally to stimulate the whole organic process of reciprocal feeding.

The biological process of reciprocal feeding or mutual exchange of Substances, is caused by psychic processes.

We add to all this, that by achieving the dissolution of the ‘I’ and the total concentration of the three parts of Akasha within our three brains, we acquire self-consciousness, objective reason, true reality. It is not superfluous to remember that the man, or what we call man, is still an unsuccessful being.

There are subjective psychic phenomena and there are objective psychic phenomena. The first are performed unconsciously and involuntarily. The second are performed consciously and voluntarily.

Every normal ordinary person has experienced the phenomena of telepathy, prophetic dreams, etc. Only the real men, the men who have managed to concentrate the Akasha within their three brains, know what voluntary and absolutely conscious psychic phenomena are.

The Marxist-Leninists laugh at the psychic apparitions and the phenomena of clairvoyance, telepathy, etc., and yet radio-television has come to show that apparitions, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc., have fully proven scientific bases.

In these times they are already trying movies without screens, images of mass on the stage instead of screens. Soon that kind of cinema will be a fact, and similar television will also be invented, television without a screen and with images of mass.

Viewers of the future will not be able to deny the reality of the apparitions, television has come to prove the reality of apparitions.

All the psychic phenomena registered in the archives of the societies of psychic studies can be duly demonstrated with the scientific technique.

The Marxist dialectic is being reduced to dust with modern technique. All kinds of phenomena have their own measures.

Physical, biological and psychic phenomena cannot be measured with the same unit of measurement because they are different.

Physical phenomena can be measured but biological and psychic phenomena cannot be measured with the same unit of measurement because they are different.

Finally we add to this chapter that the scientific technique can fully verify the psychic phenomena.

The day is not far off when scientists will be able to measure psychic phenomena using the corresponding psychic standard of measurements.

Samael Aun Weor

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