The Twelfth Feat of Hercules, the Solar Hero, was certainly imposed by his brother, that is, by his shining Divine Prototype, in the Sacred Absolute Sun…
That labor undoubtedly consisted of retrieving from his Plutonic domain the three-headed Dog that was guarding it…
Having gone into the subterranean abode of the dead, he first tries to propitiate Hades, who permits him to take the Dog provided that he succeeds in taking hold of it without weapons, which he achieves by gripping it first by its dragon tail and then by the neck, almost choking it to death.
Hermes guided him on the return path, and after Cerberus was shown to Mycenae, he let it free to return home…
Unquestionably, our shining solar system of Ors has twelve planets, and this reminds us of the Twelve Saviours…
It is obvious and evident that the final labor of Hercules had to take place in the twelfth planet of the solar family…
Equally, only with Scorpio, whose constellation is the most appropriate to show it, can and must we relate the last of his zodiacal feats, which consisted in getting the three-headed Dog out of the jealous subterranean world, out of the kingdom of shadows where the truth is disguised as darkness…
Of course, he can fulfil this labor only with the consent of Hades or Pluto himself, and with the joint help of Hermes and Minerva… (Sex- Yoga and Wisdom).
I crossed the threshold of the Temple with infinite veneration. I yearned for the final liberation…
The spermatic waters of the sacred pool shone gloriously in the walled courtyard of the priests…
There had to be the Initiatory lake of the representation of the Ancient Mysteries, eternal stage of every Temple…
What I asked then in that Lemurian Sancta, was unquestionably given to me…
My work began with the descent to the Tartarus of that planet, the twelfth of our solar system…
Three enchanting women, dangerously beautiful, resorted to all of their irresistible charms in vain…
Those provocative devilish women struggled in vain. They wanted to make me fall, but I knew how to control myself…
The zodiacal sign of Scorpio let loose in my creative organs all of their passionate ardors, but I won all the battles against myself…
The Guide Dog (the sexual instinct) always leads the knight by the narrow path that goes from darkness to light, from death to immortality…
The Dog pulls the leash of his master, taking him by the steep path towards the winning-post. Afterwards, the Dog must rest: then comes the Great Renunciation.
In harmonious rhythmic concordance with this cosmic-sexual event, the supreme detachment from all material things and the radical elimination of the desire to exist take place, unavoidably…
The transcendental idea of the breath of the shadows, moving over the sleeping waters of Life – the Primordial Matter with the Spirit latent within it – invites us to reflection…
In every cosmogony, the ‘water’ (the ens seminis) plays the same important role: it is the basis and origin of material existence and the foundation of every intimate self-realisation.
However, it is urgent that we never overlook the fact that many dangerous beasts live in the primitive abyss, in the depths of the waters…
If the divine Titans of the old continent of Mu, those Angels fallen into animal degeneration, had not forgotten this tremendous truth, if they had stayed alert and vigilant like a sentry in time of war, they would still be in a heavenly state…
To get hold completely of the three-headed Dog without any weapons, actually means absolute control over Sex…
Once I became the owner of this Dog, I ascended victorious from the depths of the horrendous and black precipice…
Then the Being of my Being – that which is beyond Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva…, that divine Solar Absolute Prototype – was incarnated in me.
When that mystical event happened, I blissfully entered into a small Sanctuary of the Sacred Absolute Sun…
From that extraordinary instant I could nourish myself from the Tree of Life, beyond Good and Evil…
I had returned to the original point of departure; I had unquestionably returned to my abode…
Each one of us has his Divine Prototype in that radiant sphere of light and joy…
The Sacred Individuals who inhabit the Central Sun get ready to enter Absolute Abstract Space; this always happens at the end of the mahamvantara (cosmic day).
Each universe of infinite space has its own Central Sun and the total sum of these spiritual suns, constitutes the protocosmos…

The emanation of our Omni-Merciful and Sacred Solar Absolute is what H. P. B. calls ‘the Great Breath’, in itself profoundly unknown…
Obviously, this Omnipresent Active Principle, even if it participates in the creation of worlds, does not merge into these worlds: it stays independent, omnipresent and omni-penetrating…
It is easy to understand that the emanation of the Solar Absolute unfolds into the Three Primary Forces – Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva – with the evident purpose of creating, and then creating again…
When any cosmic manifestation finishes, the Three Original Forces integrate to merge or fuse with the unceasing Breath, in itself profoundly unknown…
That which happens on the macrocosmic scale is repeated in microcosmic human being; this was my personal case…
Thus I was able to return to the bosom of the Sacred Solar Absolute. However, I continued with the physical Lemurian body, living for millions of years… I became one more of the stones of the Guardian Wall. That Wall is formed by all the Masters of Compassion, those who have renounced every happiness because of Love for humanity…
Inverential Peace.

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