The Woman

The woman is the Creator’s most beautiful thought, made flesh. The woman is the door of EDEN.

We have to learn to enjoy Love, with the greatest wisdom. Before GOD had taken Eve out of Adam’s rib, he was alone in Eden.

The man and the woman must again form one single BEING in order to go back to Eden.

GOD shines gloriously over the perfect couple. It is better to enjoy love than to grow old among the dust of libraries.

Whoever may want to become a GOD, must not spill the semen. Water must be transmuted into wine.

When we restrain desire, water is transmuted into the wine of LIGHT. The man must withdraw from the woman without ejaculating the Semen.

Water must be transmuted into wine. When we restrain desire, water is transmuted into the wine of LIGHT.

Restrained desire makes our seminal liquid raise to the Chalice of the brain. This is how all our powers awake. This is how the Holy Spirit’s Sacred Fire awakes in us.

This is how all our powers are awakened and we become Gods.

The Hindustani speak about awaking the KUNDALINI, and we say that the Kundalini awakes by practising Sexual Magic with the woman. When the man gets used to withdrawing without having spilled the Semen, he acquires the following powers; intuition, clairvoyance, magical hearing, telepathy, powers over life and death, powers to never die, rules over lightning and storms, over hurricanes and over earth.

Man went out of Eden through the doors of SEX, and only through that door can he enter EDEN. Woman is the door of Eden.

Let us love the woman intensely.

Samael Aun Weor

[[Note from the translator: what the author is saying here about the man in relation to the woman should be understood also about the woman in relation to the man.]]

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