Theory and Material Force

Marx said: “The theory becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.” We say that the spoken and written word is a grave responsibility.

Marx with his theories did grave damage to humanity. Taking spiritual values from humanity is the worst crime.

To be able to act on the conditions of material life of the society in which we live and to accelerate their development, the working classes have to rely on a social theory that accurately reflects the social exigencies in which we live.

We have entered a new age and society urgently needs two reforms, the first spiritual, the second economic.

Marxist theory does not accurately reflect the social exigencies in which we live. Marxist theory does not work because it is incomplete; it lacks spiritual values.

It is stupid to want to convert man into a two-dimensional being, into a machine of production and consumption.

Man has spiritual needs, urgent intimate inquietude, that Marxism uselessly tries to destroy with cheap and totally absurd sophistry that in the end does not resist an analysis.

We need a social theory but this must be complete, integral, perfect.

We need a theory that accurately reflects the spiritual and economic needs of society.

We are pleased to inform the reader that, fortunately, this theory already exists, and we will find it in Latin American Christian Socialism.

When the Christian Socialist theory grips the masses it will become a force at the same time spiritual and material.

The failure of the Leninist materialists is explained, among other reasons, by the fact that they did not recognize the mobilizing, organizing and transforming importance of the vanguard theory, the vanguard idea, and falling into a vulgar, atheistic and stupid materialism, they reduced its role almost to nothing, persecuting the religious, assassinating the religious, destroying temples, and sowing in the human heart grief and bitterness.

The strength and vitality of Christian Socialism is that it is based on a vanguard theory that accurately reflects the demands of the development of the spiritual and material life of society.

The mode of production of material goods and the spiritual aspect of humanity are the determining factors of the character of the social system in each epoch.

The human being needs clothes, footwear, housing, fuel, instruments of production, and enough food to live healthily.

Nations must produce and have their modes of material production, but they must also have their religions, spiritual schools, orders, sects, etc., because it would be stupid to convert the human being into solely a machine of production and consumption.

Modern technology has done wonders and there is no doubt that now with electronic brains and all modern machines, man could free himself from material work without the need to create human robots in the Soviet style. It’s stupid to inseminate Russian women with simian semen, that’s bestiality.

Machines could liberate man from the bondage of material labour, unfortunately man is not ready yet and that is the shame of our civilization.

Man is a slave to material work and will continue to be until the happy day when the ego dissolves.

Only by dissolving the “I” can man free himself from material work, today there are wonderful machines that could do all the work of man, in the house and in the workshop, in the field and in the office, etc., etc., etc.

Unfortunately the man without material work would wallow with still worse debauchery among the mud of vices.

Technology is stagnant even though many do not believe so, and will remain stagnant while man has not dissolved the “I”. Only by dissolving the ego can technology advance.

The machines are leaving millions of men without work, there is conflict between machines and workers. Really the machines could displace all the workers of the world, but they are not prepared, they cannot cooperate, they are divided, what would they live on? What would they do? What would they dedicate themselves to?

There is the great problem of modernity; if man were spiritually rich, this problem would not exist, having cooperation, union and fraternity among men, this problem would not exist.

If the human being were prepared for the new age, the machine would be our great friend. The worker would only need to work three or four hours a day, we would all have bread, shelter and refuge, without any difficulty. If the human being was really prepared spiritually, if he had already dissolved the ego, there would be no need to have money. Each worker would fulfil his daily duty in the factory or in the field, in the office or in the store, etc., and in exchange for that, he would have the right to have everything necessary for life without the need for the factor of money.

But how far we are from reaching such heights, let us content ourselves now with the working capital. Freeing ourselves from state capital and private capital, let’s become truly free.

The two great monsters called capitalism and communism, want to devour us, we need to defend ourselves, we need to be free.

Christian socialist theory must become a force at the same time spiritual and economic.

Samael Aun Weor

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