Thought and Matter

Marx’s fantastic and utopian idealism is based on the mistaken criterion that matter is primary, since according to his way of thinking, matter is the primary, the living source from which sensations, perceptions and Consciousness derive.

Marx fantasizes and thinks that the Consciousness is the secondary thing, the derived thing, since according to his theories it is the Consciousness which is nothing more than the reflection of the matter, the reflected image of the Being.

This form of Marxist reasoning is in fact totally subjective and incipient. Objective reasoning is clearer, deeper. We reject subjective reasoning outright.

The notion that matter is the first thing, the living source from which the sensations, the perceptions and the Consciousness derive, turns out to be something that the Marxist jargon finds very helpful, to evade in-depth discussion.

Today the Russian sages themselves say that matter is not primary, that pro-matter is primary.

The pro-matter of the Russian sage Jorge Lakosky is energy; the so-called matter in the last synthesis becomes electric particles or electrical corpuscles.

All matter in the last synthesis disintegrates to return to the ocean of pro-matter converted into electric corpuscles, useful for new material forms.

So, if pro-matter is primary, what are the dogmatic assertions of Marx? What is his materialism?

If the foundations, the bases, are removed from a building, what is the building? The materialistic building has been left without foundations, without bases, because matter is not what’s primary. What’s primary is the pro-matter.

Objective reason tells us with total precision, that Consciousness is energetic and therefore previous to matter. Consciousness is primary and matter secondary.

Matter is condensed energy. Before matter exists there is only pro-matter, that is, energy. Consciousness is primary because it is energetic.

The exterior is only the projection of the interior. The material is the condensation of the energetic. The exterior, our perceptions, our sensations, are only the externalization of our Consciousness. The brain is made to elaborate thought but it is not thought.

The brain is only the vehicle of the mind, the brain is not the mind.

Engels, the second of Karl Marx, says:

“The problem of the relationship between thinking and being, between spirit and nature, is the supreme problem of all philosophy.

“The philosophers divided into two great camps according to the answer they gave to this question. Those who affirmed the primary character of the spirit before nature… formed the camp of idealism. The others, those who considered nature as primary, represented the various schools of materialism.”

By these words of Engels the reader can understand the incipient materialistic reasoning of this man.

These words depart from incomplete information because this man never knew that the Universal Spirit is fire.

Nature cannot exist without fire and this is proven.

The Universal Spirit cannot be against nature because it would destroy her.

The Universal Spirit is within nature and is its foundation because the world is only a condensation of fire.

We assure that those who affirm the primary character of fire within nature are the realists.

We say that those who affirm that nature is the primary and the fire or Universal Spirit of life, the secondary, are the fantastical utopians.

If energy is primary and matter secondary, thought is not a product of the brain. It is demonstrated in physics that energy is always the primary.

Thought is energetic and therefore can be separated from the brain. The transmission of thought is already demonstrated.

Marx absurdly believed that it was impossible to separate thought from matter, but psychic investigations have shown otherwise.

Thought can be separated from the thinking matter, because thought is energetic. Nobody can prevent the flow of thought waves, telemeters are already being invented to measure the vibratory intensity of thought waves.

The waves of the mind travel through time and space passing from one brain to another brain and this is already demonstrated.

Parapsychology laboratories are demonstrating that thought can be separated from the brain, currently there are large parapsychological laboratories where amazing progress is made. Marx never studied parapsychology, Marx was an ignorant person.

In the laboratories of parapsychology it has been possible to fully demonstrate the reality of extrasensory perception.

Medical science has already accepted hypnotism and renamed it hypnology.

Facts and events that occurred many miles away have been verified with subjects in a hypnotic state.

A subject in a hypnotic state has been able to say with complete accuracy things that are really happening many miles away.

This has demonstrated the reality of extra-sensory perceptions and the independence of the mind.

The mind of a subject in a hypnotic state has been separated from the physical brain to see events that are happening many miles away and these events have been duly proven.

With these experiments it has been shown that the mind, feelings, consciousness, etc., can be totally separated from matter and do not depend on matter.

Matter exists as a concept, if we could not formulate a concept, matter would not exist for us. Most people are unable to tell us exactly what they understand as matter.

Samael Awn Weor

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