To Kiss the Executioner’s Wip

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When it comes to praises, flattery, pats on the back, compliments, etc., we must speak frankly and unequivocally.

It is unquestionable that such blunders and absurdities, have their causa causarum in the Ego, in the Myself, in the Self.

We can and even must establish the following postulate: the Ego is the total sum of all our psychological defects.

It is indubitable that the Myself is always processed within the Law of Contrasts: praise and vituperation, flattery and insults, compliment and slander, flattery and criticism, are intrinsically derived from the psychological Ego.

In practice I could clearly verify that those who in the past praised, complimented, flattered, etc., later on satirized, censured, ridiculed, flagellated, vexed, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. Unwise and illogical is to praise the postman who delivered a message to us, the errand boy.

In the name of truth, I must publicly confess before the solemn verdict of public conscience that my insignificant person is not worth even a dollar…. To praise me, to flatter me, to send me compliments by correspondence, is certainly a joke in very bad taste. It is obvious that any letter carrying such nonsense will end up in the wastebasket or will be returned to its sender.

For the greater consolation of my enemies, I say emphatically the following: I have never presumed to be perfect, I am absolutely convinced that I am an imbecile. It is, therefore, puerile and foolish to send me praise by mail, or to fete me, or to pay obeisance to me.

I am thinking out loud, being honest with myself, taking a stand…. In no way do I want to presume to be humble, being frank seems to me not to be a crime. I don’t want to be modest either; I confess what I feel and I don’t think I’m hurting anyone by doing so.

My best friends are my enemies, because the latter force me to self-discover myself.

Obviously, I emphasize the following; in all self-discovery there is self-revelation.

I love my worst critics, because thanks to them I am getting better and better. Blessed are my detractors!


Dear brothers and sisters of the Universal Christian Gnostic Movement: Inverential Peace!

In the name of truth, I want to tell you emphatically that I no longer accept visitors.


Unquestionably, I am nothing more than a postman, an errand boy, the man who is delivering a message.

It would be the height of foolishness for you to come from your country to the capital city of Mexico with the purpose of visiting a common letter carrier, the employee who yesterday delivered a missive to you. So much money spent for that? To visit a simple errand boy? An unhappy postman? It is better for you to study the message received, the books, the written teaching.

Ninety-nine percent of the people who visited me in the past are now declared enemies of the Gnostic Movement, they burned themselves out.

The worst of the case —and that is the most serious thing— is that those who burn themselves then go on to burn others. Those burned are the ones who later on dissolve groups, ruin Lumisials, etc., etc., etc., etc.

Why do my visitors get burned, what is the intrinsic cause, the basis, the foundation? The answer to all these questions is urgent, unpostponable, undeferrable.

In the multiple figurations of the mind we can find the concrete, clear and definitive answer.

It is indubitable that each visitor has forged in the intellect a model, a figure about the messenger. Such an image has wrong mental backgrounds, possibly taken from pseudo occultist literature. Obviously, when the merely intellectual figurine does not coincide with the real man, with the legitimate messenger or errand boy, disappointment and disenchantment follow. This is how my visitors are burned, this is how the enemies of Gnosis multiply.

Multiples are the intellective images of my varied visitors, varied are the forms of the mind. Some think of the errand boy, imagining him as an exotic hermit of bygone times, something like Palemon the Stylite –successor of old Antony–… Others imagine him as a penitent old man carrying sackcloth on his flagellated body… Others, as a venerable man who at all hours walked the streets of Mexico with a resplendent turban and white tunic… Others, like a saint living continuously in an ineffable sanctuary among lighted candles and perfumed flowers…

However, the crude reality of the facts is that the errand boy of the New Age is an ordinary citizen, an ordinary person who does not have the slightest importance.

For these and many other reasons, unquestionably, it is a very bad taste foolishness to travel from distant lands to visit something that is not worth it. Visit the libraries, the archaeological museums, the ruins of Egypt, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc. That is, indeed, much better.


In practice we have been able to verify clearly that the visitor does not come with the purpose of listening to the messenger, but to see his private life, what everyone can see in the neighbour’s house, the work of the matrons, the plate on the table, the towel to dry his hands, etc., etc., etc.

All this bewilders the visitor who comes in search of wonders and prodigies. However, since his Consciousness is asleep, he only perceives the usual routine life, the things in the living room and the kitchen, the after-dinner pleasures, etc.

It is not possible for the visitor to find perfection; do you think that I am in a bed of roses?

The result of all this is called murmuring. The visitor, disappointed not to find at home conjurers or anything of the sort, then engages in murmuring. This is how many who could have trodden the Path of the Razor’s Edge withdraw from the True Path.


I am not more because I am praised nor less because I am reviled, for I am always what I am.

The slanders that have been hurled against me do not hurt me, frankly, they are worth an umbrella to me. But, unfortunately, the weak, upon hearing such defamatory slanders, withdraw from the Path that leads to the final Liberation.


It is indubitable that burned Gnostic Missionaries are even more dangerous.

Obviously, any burned Gnostic Missionary can dissolve groups, destroy, and put an end to the Great Work.

For this intrinsic reason, and for the good of our international Gnostic Missionaries, I declare: the Messenger of the New Aquarian Age does not receive visitors.

(Samael Aun Weor, Great Gnostic Manifesto of 1972)

Beloved ones:

They say that among you there is now much murmuring. Truly, all this is painful, adorable ones.

They say that it is spoken against my insignificant person. Do not concern yourselves with my person, beloved ones. My person is worth nothing, the work is everything.

Some brethren ask me to remedy the conflicting situation that has arisen among you. The work is not mine, beloved ones. The work is my Father’s, and I have complained to him so that he may remedy it, for the work is not mine, but his.

I do not try to defend my person, because my person is worthless. I do not try to do my will, for my will is worth nothing. Let my Father’s will be done and not mine!

My Father is doing his work as he sees fit. He has deemed it necessary that poor suffering humanity should know the Path, and I cannot oppose my Father’s will, most beloved.

I can say nothing of myself, beloved, for I know nothing, for it is my Father who knows, and he says what he has to say.

I cannot forbid my Father to teach the secret science of the Ninth Sphere (sex). The son cannot forbid the Father anything. The son must only do the will of the Father.

If some of you murmur against my insignificant person for divulging the unspeakable secret of the Great Arcanum, truly, my brothers, I tell you that I know nothing. My Father is the Lord of the work and he is the one who teaches, he is the one who knows.

I do not try to qualify myself as perfect, beloved ones, because only my Father is perfect.

My beloved ones, do not be angry with me, it is not my fault that my Father is the Buddha Maitreya, the Kalki Avatar of the New Aquarian Age. He is He, beloved ones, and I am not to blame for what He is.

Do not concern yourselves with my person, beloved ones, my person is worthless. It is worthless for you to defend me or to attack me. My person is worth less than the ash of a cigarette. I advise you something better, beloved ones: study the doctrine that my Father gives you.

Truly I tell you, my beloved, my Father loves you very much and wants each of you to enter the Kingdom.

Have pity on those who want to correct my Father’s work. I, your brother, would never dare to correct the Father’s work.

Hate no one, beloved. Pray for those who hate and curse us. Love all those who slander us. Deep down, all those misguided brethren are not perverse, but sincerely mistaken and people of very good intentions.

Remember, my beloved, that the road that leads to the abyss is always paved with good intentions. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” “With what measure ye mete, ye shall be measured.”


Our gratuitous enemies only have superficial information, but they think they know a lot, and we never wish to condemn them, to hate them; they are sincerely mistaken and full of very good intentions.

My beloved brethren, I have told you with all my heart what I had to tell you in this manifesto. That my gratuitous enemies continue against me, that they throw against my insignificant person all their defamatory slime, that is not of the least importance. My person is worth less than the ash of a cigarette.

You can be sure that I adore my enemies, that I love them with all my heart, that I have much to thank them for, because they provide me with formidable opportunities in the development of my own Cosmic Drama, and for that, in some way, I must repay them for the good they do me.

Some good Gnostic brothers want to defend me from slander and even ask for reports about me through their respective consulates in Mexico. I am very grateful to my beloved brothers for their good intentions, but as I do not have any outstanding social position in the world, it is clear that the consuls and people of the high world the only thing they can say is that they do not know me.

Really, I am a nobody in social life, a nobody. I have no money, I am too poor, and, therefore, my person is not of the slightest importance.

Truly, my brothers, I tell you that I know nothing. What I have written is my Father’s message. Esoterically I am only a brother in service.

I do not want to argue with anyone, for I know nothing. I will not answer letters on the basis of discussion, I like to respect the ideas of others, everyone is everyone.

I am only a messenger. I fulfill the duty of delivering to you the Message of my Father which is in secret. Those who want to receive the Message may receive it and those who want to reject it may reject it.

Inverential Peace!

Samael Aun Weor, Source: Great Gnostic Manifesto to our Beloved Brazilian Gnostic Brothers

Revised and published by Luciano Cayres

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