Tonalities of Color

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The sight is the organ that perceives and distinguishes what is called “Fusion of the vibrations of the center of gravity” that come to this planet from the spaces of the universe.

The white ray of the solar spectrum, is the center of gravity for all colors.

The functions of vibrations of the center of gravity are perceived by the sight as separate shades of color.

In the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, the organ of sight could distinguish a third of the tonalities of color of all the cosmic, universal tonalities.

Mixtures of vibrations of the center of gravity of the white ray are not really perceived in their entirety by the organ of sight, but the Atlanteans and Lemurians perceived a third of the number of tonalities.

The objective science unknown to a Karl Marx and his henchmen, has already discovered that there are five million seven hundred sixty-four thousand eight hundred and one tonalities.

When human beings dissolve the ego and develop the spatial sense then they can distinguish two- thirds of the total number of tonalities that exist in the whole universe, and that ascends, according to the calculations of the great sages, to three million eight hundred and forty-three thousand two hundred different shades of color.

Those who achieve the total dissolution of the ego, become able to distinguish all the tonalities of the cosmos, except one that is only perceived by that which has no name.

Our world with its seven states of vibration, comes from seven states of higher vibration and in turn those seven come from another seven and so on until we complete seven vibratory scales.

Beyond is the unique vibration of seven properties from the very holy primary source, called Absolute Abstract Space.

When the white ray establishes a center of gravity it is derived from the others, and it is transformed into a third and so on by Involution, light arrives to the crystallization of any planet.

The worlds are condensed light. Light is a substance just as electricity is another Substance.

The organ of sight had been degenerating for many millions of years at the time of the Babylonian civilization; sight now can only perceive three hundred and forty-three different tonalities of color.

Later the sight will only perceive forty-nine shades of color, and there are currently beings and families that are not even close to the forty-nine shades.

Today’s humanity only perceives deficiently the last seven fusions of the vibrations of the center of gravity of the white ray; those seven fusions are the following:

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

These seven colors are the result of the last seven vibratory fusions of the center of gravity of the white ray.

During the process of transformation of the white ray, one of the separated colors always emerges and transforms into a third, as for example, the orange color is obtained from the red, and this in turn becomes yellow and so on successively.

Above and below our external sensory perception capabilities, there are thousands and millions of color tones that the degenerate sight of present humanity can not perceive.

The universe is full of life and creatures that have life, and these not only exist within the limits of our capacity for perception, but also exist far beyond this limited capacity.

The materialist dialectic is false because it is only based on a narrow limit of vibrations and colors perceptible by sight.

We need a broader dialectic, a dialectic that goes beyond the narrow limits set by Marx.

The Anti-religious position of the Marxist-Leninists is stupid, the mockery that the Sino-Soviet hordes make at the door of the sacred Tibetan pagodas is villainous and miserable.

Remember that same mockery was made of Pasteur when he disinfected surgical instruments with boiling water.

Later, when the microscope was invented and the bacilli could be seen, all the men of science bowed respectfully before the wise Pasteur.

Religions manipulate forces that do not belong to the limited number of 49 tonalities, forces that can be seen and known by anyone who has the patience to regenerate the Spatial Sense.

The sophisms of the Marxist dialectic really can only convince the eunuchs of the will, the stupid dummies, the imbeciles.

We already know that each of the seven colors of the solar prism has seven tonalities, seven being the basic colors, the current human being, only perceives the 49 tonalities.

Each color can be broken down into seven tones and this is known by any painter.

Above and below the narrow limits marked by the 49 tones, there are life and forms of life unknown to the fanatics of the materialist dialectic.

The great Mystics often get in touch with creatures that have nothing to do with the three- dimensional world in which we live, these intelligent creatures have been baptized by the mystics with the names of Angels, Gods, Devas, Genii, etc., etc., etc.

The development of the spatial sense to all allows us to relate with those more subtle forms of life.

Samael Aun Weor

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