Universal Charity

A thorough analysis leads us to the conclusion that charity must be conscious. Love is Law, but Conscious Love.

The great ones of the earth constantly say:

“I give many alms, I am very charitable”…

When some powerful person spends a few dollars in some work of public charity, he or she proclaims it from the rooftops through the press and radio, and everyone says:

“This is a good man” …

However, despite so much proclamation and so much propaganda, the streets of the city are full of men who lost their jobs, mothers who give themselves up for a piece of bread to sustain her hungry children, of disabled people who beg or try to work selling lotteries, newspapers, etc., so as not to die of hunger; parents looking for work, etc., etc., etc… and yet, there is talk of CHARITY… That is the sad irony of the world. Where is charity on that?

There is in the human being a fatal tendency to always consider him\herself superior to the unhappy ones of life. The banker, the businessman, the elegant lady, pass down the street, arrogant, haughty, and when they meet an outcast of life on their way, they do not look at him and if they do it is to proudly throw a coin at him. These arrogant men and women do not want to realize that the beggar, the invalid, the man without work, the starving mother, are no less than anyone else. That they are equal to us. What are our BROTHERS.

We are all human and as such we form a great family: THE HUMAN FAMILY. The pain of any human being affects the whole family in one way or another.

Charity well understood means the full recognition of Human Rights. It is not fair that a few have the happiness of having their own home, a luxurious automobile, rents, etc., etc., while the great majority succumb to misery. It is not fair that the elegant lady enjoys in her mansion, while at the door the poor mother sits tired and hungry, crying out for a piece of bread. We are all human, the blood that runs through the veins of the unhappy, also runs through the veins of the powerful. It is the same blood of the Human Family.

It is absurd to look down on our fellow men, our brothers; it is illogical to consider everyone as strange beings, no one can be strange in the family. The powerful help the powerful, the government helps the “illustrious” and leaves the unhappy ones to their own fate.

Today’s Society needs to go through a true and just SOCIAL REFORM. That is the Social Christ. We need to fan the flame of the spirit with the power of LOVE. We need to develop Creative Understanding.

Samael Aun Weor

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