The Intellectual Animal called man, manufactured instruments of work. When the first lever was invented, the rational animal was immediately differentiated from the irrational animal.
In the intellectual field the syllogism becomes the lever of thought.
The vestiges of means of work found among the ruins of many disappeared civilizations allow us to get an idea about the kind of tools used by the workers who preceded us in the course of history.
How things are produced is really important because it is what distinguishes the epochs from each other in their economic aspect.
The means of work, while they clearly indicate the technical development of each era, it is false
to assure that by them we can deduce with complete logical exactness the type of social ties of the workers.
Underdeveloped peoples often had social ties not yet surpassed by us.
Very developed peoples with very modern machinery had, and not only had but still have, undesirable social ties.
The spiritual socialism of Aztec Mexico and Inca Peru established wonderful social bonds among workers despite these peoples not having the kind of modern machinery that we have.
The social relationships created by religions are usually better than those that have not been created by any religion.
When men are wisely linked by work, it becomes fertile and creative.
The productive forces are the result of the type of social ties between workers.
While it is true and very true that we need to improve the means of work more and more, it is also true that we must improve the social links of work.
The hand-mill did not generate the society of the feudal lords, in the historical past of the world there were societies similar to what we know as feudal.
The feudal era was only the repetition of similar epochs that preceded us in the course of history. The feudal era would have existed even if the hand-mill had not appeared.
The steamboat did not create the industrial capitalist society, it would have existed and in fact has always existed, even if the steamboat had not appeared.
Marx with his cheap sophistry wanted to solve the economic problem of the world without having solved his individual problem, because he did not even know how to earn a living; Engels maintained him.
Marx was really an utopian who wanted to become famous and he succeeded: he became infamous.
The productive forces do not develop with any consistence as Marx believes. The only true constant is the speed of light, that is demonstrated.
Social bonds related to work are subject to the mechanical laws of Evolution and Involution.
The law of the spiral conditions existence, the different types of society are always repeated according to the Law of Recurrence.
The law of recurrence develops in the spiral line.
Everything happens again in spirals that are higher, and lower.
It is useless to have very perfect instruments of work, if the social bonds are very imperfect.
(TRANSLATOR’S NOTE: The phrase “means of work” evidently has the same significance as what Marx called “means of production.)
Samael Aun Weor
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