We need to coexist

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As long as the ego of conceit is not disintegrated, then, very serious errors are committed, one is exposed to failure. So, those egos of pride, of conceit, of vanity, of arrogance, that is what makes the greatest Initiates fall…

We must always share, or always coexist with one another, everyone. I do not mean that we are also going to despise the rich, it would be as absurd as despising the poor. We must treat the rich and the poor in the same way: all equally, without any preference.

A lot of attention is needed, because when such an Initiate is at the peak of success: Much fortune and all that… then he can, frankly, forget about the poor, he can underestimate them; he can fall into conceit, into arrogance, into pride, and then he fails…

Samael Aun Weor

From the original in Spanish that can be found here

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