When Samael Became a True Man

I am quoting from when I first became a Man; I’m telling you about a very old Solar System; from when for the first time I managed to reach the state, let us say, of true Man, in a planet that has already disappeared, of which not even the dust of the centuries remains; that is what we are talking about; then, through the operations of Sulfur and Mercury on Salt, I managed to make Salt, Sulfur and Mercury crystallize in the Astral Body, I made myself an Astral Body. In a higher octave, the sublimated Salt that served as the base for the operations of Sulfur and Mercury, crystallized in the Mental body, and later, with that same procedure, I achieved the creation of the Causal body.

Provided with the Physical, Astral, Mental and Causal Bodies, then I managed to embody the soulic ethnic principles (the Pneuma of the Gnostics), within myself, and thus I transformed, becoming a Man, I became a Man; I had come out of the humanoid state.

Now converted into a Man, I continued working. Later I reached other states, I reached the Angelic, Archangel state, etc., etc., etc., well, conclusion (to avoid taking so many detours): I achieved integration with my Logoi, I became the Governor of Planet Mars and acquired all the powers of the heavens and of the abysses, all the wisdom and all the Universal powers.

You would say, “Well, if that is so, why does he now live here among the Earthlings?” And I am going to tell you sincerely: Afterwards I continued living in different Solar Systems; in the past existence I was in the old Moon-Earth; Because I lived among the Selenites, I did the Gnostic Movement among the Selenites, I spoke to them as I am speaking to you; the Selenites created a powerful civilization, I lived among them, that’s where I ended up.

The Selenites were very cruel, there were many people, there was a terrible religion worse than the Catholic, they judged me, sentenced me to death and crucified me; just as I am telling you.

At the dawn of this present Maha-Manvantara, integrated with my inner God, I became the living spirit of the center of Mars. But my deep inner Lord, understanding that there was a need for me to acquire qualities from earthlings, which we do not have over there (certain characteristics such as those of Count Saint Germain, those of Cagliostro, a diplomat, a politician of those), He sent me here, to acquire characteristics that I did not have.

I conserved characteristics of innocence and wisdom, but not that spirit that the Cagliostro’s, the Saint Germanics (Masters from here on Earth) have; So he sent me here and at the same time he could help humanity. He certainly sent me, but yes, I made a mistake when the revolt of the angels of Lemuria, I was one of the first to enter the wave, right? It was the matter of the fall in the animal generation; in the same Lemuria I managed to “get up” and in the same Lemuria I achieved again the Elixir of Long Life, the Philosopher’s Stone.

With the Lemur body I lived in Lemuria and Atlantis, so that I saw Lemuria sink between the bottom of the seas and I saw the civilization of Atlantis rise and I myself saw it swallowed by the ocean. I have all that knowledge here, and I can talk about Lemuria and Atlantis; I have not lost any knowledge, my memory is correct…

Samael Aun Weor

*This is an excerpt from the conference originally in Spanish “Preguntas y Respuestas II” *If you have a full and revised translation of it, please direct it to the administrator for further studies.

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