
1- In a country estate where Spaniards lived at the time of the Conquest, noises were heard constantly at midnight and a man on a horse was heard to arrive, who dismounted and entered the house to open the doors of the rooms; until one day the Administrator decided to go and see what was that produced those noises.

Upon coming outside, he saw in the courtyard a man on horseback, to whom he said: “On behalf of God Almighty, tell me what do you want?” The man answered: “Come with me.” The administrator followed him up to a creek near the estate, where the horseman stopped and said: “In this place there is a buried treasure that I beg you to dig up.” The administrator got it out and instantly the noises in the country estate ceased.

Could you tell me something about this story?

R. – There is not doubt that this unusual and strange case has solid foundations. When talking about life itself, we should emphasize certain transcendental ideas; the existence of the Superior Dimensions of space is well known. It clearly stands out with meridian clarity that the souls of the dead live in the Unknown Dimension.

The materialization of a metaphysical entity is clear and apparent.

It is evident that the discarnate, the deceased that riding an energetic steed spoke so to the surprised man, had left buried a valuable treasure; the remorse, the addiction to the vile metal, etc., etc., are more than enough reasons in order to achieve the unusual appearance. The concrete fact of so apparent a materialization of the psychic type is interesting.

We should affirm in severe tone that that deceased abandoned the Unknown Dimension in order to penetrate the physical world where he became visible and tangible.

It is comprehensible that upon such treasure being discovered, the strange metaphysical noises stopped.

Cases like these are plentiful everywhere; here in Mexico, the Plateados (co-religionists of Pancho Villa) left fabulous hidden treasures, and I even know about a place where psychic extraordinary phenomenon have happened; this happens in all the parts of the world.

2.- One Holy Thursday, upon going by the Lagoon of Montiver, some people saw a beautiful woman of golden hair so long that it covered her body, taking a bath amid the lagoon; after a while of being observing her, it was big their surprise upon seeing that the woman disappeared amid the waters. Could you say what class of woman this could be?

R. – With the greatest pleasure I will give the gentleman an answer to his question. We have already spoken clearly about the Elementals of the Fire, of the Air, of the Waters and of the Earth. It is not strange in any way that one of those Elementals with the appearance of a woman of singular beauty became visible before the people in the crystalline waters of the lake; those Undines construct their palaces in the bottom of the waters, and it is obvious that they glow burning in the mysterious landscape.

At some time myself also had a similar experience navigating in the Atlantic Ocean.

When the sun began to rise amongst the deep waters, because so it seemed, I saw two extraordinary Nereids that, walking among the waters, came in the opposite direction to our small ship.

The one had violet color, not only in her head and in her eyes, but also in her tunic and sandals; the other had rather the color of coral, and their continent was majestic and sublime.

That pair of beauties said something to me, and then they stopped on the cliffs, contemplating me deeply.

I don’t deny being able to establish a friendship with those Nereids of the immense sea.

They make their homes out of etheric matter in the abysmal bottom of the gusty ocean, and it is even said that when they fall in love with a man, they take their Soul in order to live together with him in their oceanic habitation.

3.- Here in Mexico, during the time of the Inquisition happened an unusual case of witchcraft. Two women were accused before the Inquisition, and when the clergymen and guards entered the house of the women they only saw on a bed four legs, because the bodies were absent, simply not there.

The clergymen proceeded liturgically with exorcisms and conjurations of all type. Suddenly something strange happened: two horrible big birds came into that room before the astonished clergymen, and they then threw themselves into the bed where the legs lay.

The clergymen, horrified, were amazed upon seeing that those birds of wrong omen assumed human forms.

The legs came to form part of the bodies of those women that, instants before, were only sinister air creatures. The Inquisition proceeded against these witches and condemned them to die in the fire. Could the Master give me an explanation?

R. – The case that you have related is interesting, and it is obvious that you have the answer.

Much has been talked about witchcraft, and in the Middle Age many women burned in the fire died accused of such crime.

There is not doubt that these are simply black witches that knows how to put their physical body inside the Fourth Dimension, in order to fly by air, or in order to walk on the waters, or attend their harrowing witches’ Sabbath.

We have been told that here in Mexico those harrowing creatures are able to leave their physical legs in order to fly in the air with more comfort.

From a rigorous clinical point of view, in the light of the official anatomy, it is obvious that no doctor would accept such an awesome statement.

At this moment comes to memory the Witches of Topsail and “the metamorphosis” of Ovid. They relate that Apuleyo became an ass. Have you never heard speak of lycanthropy and the wolf man?

The human organism has infinite possibilities that the men of science do not remotely suspect.

When a Physical Body submerges inside the Fourth Dimension it could assume any shape and even abandon part of its members. It is unquestionable that the scientists of this time if they were to listen to our discourse, they would indignant rip their vestments thundering and lightening and pronouncing terrible words against us, the siblings of the Gnostic Movement.

The official science is not the whole science. The day will arrive in which the sages could verify the reality of the Fourth Coordinate and all their infinite possibilities of metaphysical type.

That the witches could abandon their legs or transform themselves into beasts, it is not a new case. Already Æneas, the Trojan, found in the Estrofazas islands those big birds headed by the loathsome Selene, that so much damage caused to him.

Those that make fun of our words should study “The Æneid” of Virgil, the poet of Mantua.

In no way we praise those sinister creatures of darkness: it is obvious that a horrible future awaits them in the hellish worlds. Those who have studied “The Divine Comedy” of the Dante will find the witches of the witches’ Sabbath in Hell, torturing with their horrendous claws the human plants. Cruel harpies that hating God and the Divine Mother are hurled along, loathsome, in the black cliff.

4.- Teacher, as you have written much in your books about the Fourth Dimension, several people tell me that they don’t believe that it exists, because they want to see it palpably; as I have not known how to give the appropriate answer, I would like you to explain to me in what form I could give such an answer.

R. – By God and Holy Mary! This is not questioning of beliefs: we are talking about scientific matters. Beliefs are for religious matters, but science is something different; please pay attention: the Fourth Dimension is the Time, and anyone who wants to know something about this Fourth Coordinate should study the Theory of Relativity of Einstein.

I see you sitting at a table, writing. If you observe this piece of furniture you will see that it has three dimensions: length, width and height. Furthermore, there exists a Fourth Vertical and this is the Time. How long ago did the carpenter build this table?

Everybody perceives the Fourth Dimension, because there is no person that doesn’t have a certain number of years; there will be people that are newly born, other that are twenty years old and many old men that await only death.

Time in itself has two aspects: the Chronometrical, that is only superficial, and the Spatial, that it the fundamental one.

Think; I am not talking about your beliefs, we are dealing with matters merely scientific. It is necessary to have a little bit of maturity in order to understand.

The conquest of the external space, the cosmic trips, will be impossible while we have not been able to conquer Time, that is to say, the Fourth Coordinate.

If a cosmic ship could leave from our world at the speed of the light (three hundred thousand kilometers per second) and if after several hours of cosmic trip it were to return to the Earth conserving the same speed, you can be absolutely sure that the crew of such ship would not find the world that they left, but a future world, an Earth advanced in many thousand of years; this already was demonstrated by Einstein with his mathematical calculations. The day in which the men of science invent cosmic ships able to pass beyond the speed of the Light they will have conquered Time; in other words, they will have conquered the Fourth Dimension. That is everything.

The Three Dimensional Worlds is the result of the speed of light squared; if we passed beyond the speed of the light, we entered into the Fourth Dimension. The witches of the mentioned story, by means of dark procedures, cross the barrier of the speed of light instantly and penetrate in the Fourth Dimension. But, this is not something advisable.

There exist sacred virtuous procedures, like those of Peter, the Apostle of Jesus, or those of the Divine Nazarene, by means of which we could enter into the Fourth Dimension.

5.- At a reunion a story was told, that the grandmothers of several of the present used to relate the following anecdote about witches: in the times of the Mexican Revolution some people found several pair of legs among the ashes of an oven or of the big braziers that were used in the large houses of that time; afraid of such discovery, they waited in order to see what was happening and were surprised that some time later the witches returned in their brooms, without their legs, and that they put them back by means of the art of magic; they celebrated there a strange ritual and then were gone to their houses like any normal people. These stories circulated by word of mouth between the neighbors of the region, causing astonishment. Would you be so kind to tell us whether these events were true?

R. – Distinguished gentleman, we have already spoken quite clearly about this and we could assert that such things are true. This type of tenebrous people, here in Mexico, abandon their legs when they enter the Fourth Dimension.

6.- Only here in Mexico?

R. – Yes, those of us who we have explored the different Metaphysical lands we know that this act, abandoning the legs, happens only in our homeland.

We have explored different countries and places and the investigation has taken us very far.

Permit me inform you that in Salamanca, Spain, the Castle of Klingsor exists, inside which the Workshop of Witchcraft functions; the harrowing witches, affiliated to that hole of darkness, attend their meetings and they don’t leave their legs in their beds, neither at the foot of the chimney, neither elsewhere. That class of people is becoming more and more perverse and they are finally thrown in the dark abyss where one can only hear the cries and the gnashing of teeth.

7.- In a certain place that I used to know in South America, being on my bed face up, I felt noises in the part of the room where I was. I perceived an unpleasant scent that penetrated below the door, and minutes I later felt that a person sat on my chest paralyzing my whole body. I was not able to speak; neither to make any muscular movement.

After a few minutes I remembered that I could save myself making a Conjuration, but since I could not speak, the only thing I could make, mentally, was the sign of the Star of Five Points and the entity retired. Could you do me the favour of clarifying what class of entity was this, Master?

R. – I will answer the distinguished gentleman his question. We know by direct experience that those abominable creatures of the witches’ Sabbath are accustomed to throw themselves on the bodies of their victims, in order to bite them in the body forming horrible stains in their skin, or in order to take out of the dense form the Soul and take it to any place of the world, or in order to torment them in any way. In these cases, we have advised to pray with great vehemence, recite the Conjuration of the Seven of Salomon, or the Conjuration of the Four; this type of prayers is of extraordinary efficacy for the mental and physical defense. With these conjurations the harrowing harpies flee leaving us in peace.

Conjuration of the Four

Caput mortum, imperet tibi dominus, per vivum et devotum serpentem!

Cherub, imperet tibi dominus, per Adam Iod-HaVah!

Aquila errans, imperet tibi dominus, per alas tauri!

Serpens, imperet tibi dominus, Tetragrammaton, per angelum et leonem!

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael! Fluat udor per Spiritum Elohim! Maneat terra per Adam Iod-HaVah!

Fiat firmamentum per Iod-He-Vav-He – Sabaoth!

Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael!

Angel of the blind eyes, obey or dissipate with this holy water!

Work! Winged bull, or revert to the earth, unless thou wilt that I should pierce thee with this sword!

Chained eagle, obey this sign, or retreat before this breath!

Writhing serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tormented by the sacred fire, and evaporate with the perfumes that I burn!

Water, return to water! Fire, burn! Air, circulate! Earth, revert to earth!

By virtue of the pentagram, which is the morning star, and by the name of the tetragram, which is written in the center of the cross of light!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conjuration of the Seven

In the name of Michael, may Jehovah command thee and drive thee hence, Chavajoth!

In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai command thee and drive thee hence, Bael!

In the name of Raphael, begone before Elial, Samgabiel!

By Samael Sabaoth, and in the name of Elohim Gibor, get thee hence, Andrameleck!

By Zachariel et Sachiel-Meleck, be obedient unto Elvah, Sanagabril!

By the divine and human name of Shaddai, and by the sign of the Pentagram which I hold in my right hand, in the name of the angel Anael, by the power of Adam and Eve, who are Iod-HaVah, begone Lilith! Leave us in peace, Nahemah!

By the holy Elohim and by the names of the Genii Cashiel, Sehaltiel, Aphiel, and Zarahiel, at the command of Orifiel, depart from us Moloch. We deny thee our children to devour!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Samael Aun Weor

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